Modélisation et systèmes complexes

(Phénomènes collectifs dans les systèmes sociaux – Humanités digitales – Ethnologie et musique – Cognition – Ecologie)


A complex system is a system composed of a typically large number of (possibly heterogeneous) elements that as a whole exhibit some properties which specifically result from the interactions between the constitutive elements. As such, these global properties or behaviors may not be anticipated from the properties of the individual parts – one talks of « collective phenomena » or of « emerging properties ».

In this domain of complex systems, the goal of modelling, with analytical and numerical means, is precisely to understand the global (‘macroscopic’) level from the characteristics of the constitutive elements (the ‘microscopic’ level).

The multi-disciplinary project Complex Systems at CAMS addresses theoretical issues in the field of complex systems in social and cognitive sciences, making use of tools from applied mathematics, statistical physics and computer science (some relevant keywords: partial differential equations, information theory, dynamical systems, statistical physics of disordered systems, graph theory, game theory, numerical simulations, agent-based systems).
Our modelling activity is mainly developped in collaboration with social and cognitive scientists within specific projects (see the list below).

The current research topics include the following ones: urban dynamics (modelling crime behavior, urban sprawl); digital humanities (diffusion of knowledge, online communities, social networks); theoretical neuroscience (neural coding and psycholinguistic).

The CAMS has also a long term modelling activity in anthropology and ethnomusicology, based on the analysis of empirical data from field studies, and on a collaboration with IRCAM.

Main researchers involved:

Associate Members:

Activities and research projects:

  • HBDEX (Exploitation de Big Data Historiques pour les Humanités Numériques : application aux données financières) (ANR, AAP Générique 2017) collaboration CAMS, PSE, INSA Rennes)
  • ISC-PIF (Institut des Systèmes Complexes / Complex Systems Institute, Paris Île-de-France) The EHESS is one of the official partners of the ISC-PIF. The CAMS Complex systems team is actively involved in the ISC-PIF.

Former projects

  • HumanICT, multidisciplinary network
  • MAnET, Marie Curie Initial Training Network, 2014-2017 (avec Università di Bologna, Technische Universitat Eindowen, Universitat Bern, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Helsinki Yllopisto, Università di Trento, Université Paris Sud).
  • FuturICT, a flagship proposal (EC, FP7, Future & Emerging Technologies)
  • SIMPA (Simulation de la parenté / Kinship simulations, project supported by the programme SYSCOMM of the French National Research Agency, the ANR November. 2009-October. 2012)
  • IMPROTECH (Technologies et musiques improvisées), projet financé par l’ANR, programme Sciences, technologies et savoirs en sociétés, 2009-2012
  • DyXi (Urban Collective Dynamics: Individual and Spatial Heterogeneities, 2009-2012, project supported by the program SYSCOMM of the French National Research Agency, the ANR)
  • Qlectives (Quality Collectives, project funded by the EU under the FP7 FET program, March 2009-February 2013)
  • GSD: Global System Dynamics & Policies, EC Coordinated Action, 2008-2010
  • PPF Systèmes complexes en sciences sociales
  • ELICCIR (2004-2006, project supported by the Action Concertée « Systèmes complexes en Sciences Humaines et Sociales », CNRS & MRNT)
  • Cellule Complexité (Ville de Paris, 2005-2006)
  • AcqLang (2005-2009, project supported by the French National Research Agency, the ANR)
  • Partnership with Northwestern University: Workshop « Dynamics and Complexity in People and Societies« , Northwestern University, Evanston 22-24 Oct., 2007

Former members:

  • Henri Atlan (Directeur d’études, EHESS & The Human Biology Research Center (HBRC), Hadassah, Jerusalem)
  • Mirta B. Gordon (Director of research, CNRS, TIMC-IMAG, Grenoble)
  • Daniel Gabay, Directeur de recherche, CNRS
  • Giulia Ajmone Marsan (PhD student, EHESS & IMT – Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italy – currently with the OECD, Paris)
  • Michel Morvan (ENS Lyon & Directeur d’études, EHESS – currently with VEOLIA)
  • Leïla Kebir (Post-doc, Ville de Paris & EHESS – then with INRA, AgroParisTech, currently with the Ecole des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris)
  • Ashley Pitcher (Post-doc, project DyXi, Sept 2009-Aug. 2011)
  • Emily Tanimura (PhD student, EHESS – currently Maître de conférences at the University Paris I-Sorbonne)
  • Telmo Menezes, post-doctant sur le programme Qlectives, projet européen, du 01-01-2011 au 13-12-2011
  • Chi-Chun Chen (Post-doc, project Qlectives, Jan. 2010-Feb. 2013)
  • Floriana Gargiulo, post-doctorante sur le programme ANR SIMPA, du 01-11-2011 au 31-10-2012