Luciano Boi

Maître de conférences à l’EHESS

Centre d’analyse et de mathématique sociales (CAMS) – UMR 8557
54, boulevard Raspail
75006 Paris – France
Bureau A4-20 – 4e étage
tél.  (33-1) 49 54 20 37
fax (33-1) 49 54 21 09


Thèmes de recherche

  • Interfaces topologie-biologie (repliement de l’ADN, remodelage de la chromatine et organisation spatiale du chromosome).

  • Interactions géométrie-physique (concepts et méthodes du programme de géométrisation, de la relativité générale à la théorie des cordes).

  • Phénoménologie et géométrie de la perception spatiale.

  • Épistémologie et histoire des sciences mathématiques et physiques XIXe et XXe siècles.

  • Relations entre mathématiques et arts.

Publications significatives

  • Boi L. (ed.), Geometries of Nature, Living Systems and Human Cognition. New Interactions of Mathematics with the Natural Sciences and Humanities, World Scientific, Singapore, 2005, 419 p.

  • Boi L. (ed.), Symétries, Brisures de Symétries et Complexité, en mathématiques, physique et biologie, Peter Lang, Berne, 2006, 297 p.

  • Boi L. Kerszberg P., Patras F. (eds), Rediscovering Phenomenology. Phenomenological essays on mathematical beings, physical reality, perception and consciousness, Dordrecht, Springer, 2007, 393 p.

  • Boi L., “Geometrical and Topological Modelling of Supercoiling in Supramolecular Structures”, Modelling and Simulation in Science, Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Data Analysis in Astronomy, V. Di Gesù, G. Lo Bosco, M.C. Maccarone (eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, 2007, p. 187-199.

  • Boi L. (ed.), Topological Knots Models in Physics and Biology”, Geometries of Nature, Living Systems and Human Cognition, World Scientific, Singapore, 2005, p. 203-278.

  • Boi L., “The Aleph of Space. On some extensions of geometrical and topological concepts in the twentieth-century mathematics: from surfaces and manifolds to knots and links”, What is Geometry?, G. Sica (ed.), Milan, Polimetrica International Scientific Publishers, 2006, p. 79-152.

  • Boi L., “Topological knot theory and macroscopic physics”,Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, J.-P. Françoise, G. Naber and T.S. Sun (eds.), Elsevier, Oxford, 2006, p. 271-277.

  • Boi L., “Geometrical and Topological Foundations of Theoretical Physics: From Gauge Theories to String Program”, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 34, 2004, p. 1777-1836.

  • Boi L., “Topological ideas and structures in fluid dynamics”, JP Journal of Geometry and Topology 8(2), 2008, p. 151-184.

  • Boi L., “Ideas of Geometrization, Geometric Invariants of Low-Dimensional Manifolds and Topological Quantum Field Theories”, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 6(5), 2009, p. 1-54.
